Exploring Self Healing Techniques

Self-healing is the term used to describe the use of natural abilities to help aid recovery from physical and/or emotional pain and trauma. The mind and body system is designed to heal itself and there are many self-healing techniques available to assist in the repair of the Self. It is …

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Can Soul Coaching Work for You?

In amongst the vast array of different types of personal coaching you will find a mix of philosophical traditions and spiritual exploration that is referred to as Soul Coaching. This type of holistic coaching aims to work with you as a whole being and does not simply address specific goal-focused …

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Learning a New Language Later in Life

Just because a person might be getting a little older in life, this doesn’t mean that new hobbies are restricted to stereotypical ones and many older people have decided to try to learn a new foreign language later in life. Reasons For Wanting to Learn a New Language Later in …

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What is Business Coaching?

Support and advice given in the workplace can make a huge difference to the way an individual or group of people develop skills and grow business. Business Coaching provides a focused method of enhancing and optimising professional performance, marketing ability, communication skills and other key factors of importance in the …

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What is Style Coaching?

Style Coaching is a combination of personal styling advice, image consultancy tips and life coaching motivational techniques rolled into one. By approaching the coaching process from the appearance perspective women, and men, may benefit from gaining a better personal understanding of self and their goals and desires. What is a …

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Coaching Retreats

To achieve clarity of mind and a focused life direction it is sometimes necessary to get away from the restrictions of normal everyday life. Coaching retreats provide a safe, supportive environment that is also usually found within a tranquil landscape or holistic setting. What is a Coaching Retreat? A coaching …

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Vitality Coaching for Better Health

Maintaining a balanced, healthy lifestyle requires having understanding, acceptance and motivation to make the necessary changes in nutrition, exercise and general work/life balance. Vitality Coaching provides help, support and guidance to individuals who wish to create positive changes in order to live a fulfilled life. What is a Vitality Coach? …

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The Coaching Needs of Men

The coaching needs of men are very different to the specific requirements of women. Many coaching professionals and therapists understand that the experiences men share unites them in requiring coaching support that helps, inspires and motivates the individual to create a more balanced life, both in a professional capacity and …

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Equine Guided Coaching

Our association with animals can provide far more than the natural therapeutic enjoyment that is already on offer. Horses, in particular, provide a purposeful exchange that may assist individuals in a number of ways. Equine Guided Coaching is an experiential exchange that allows exploration of non-directive opportunities to examine and …

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