The Wisdom Within: Learning From Our Parents

From the moment we take our first breath, our parents become our first teachers in life. They guide us, nurture us, and provide us with invaluable lessons that shape our growth and development. As children, we are like sponges, absorbing knowledge and wisdom from our parents. However, the learning doesn’t …

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Stress Free Holidays

We’ve all “been there and done that” – come back from holiday and have been so stressed out by the experience that we feel the only option is to have another holiday. Yet with a certain amount of careful planning and a willingness to be flexible, your holiday should be …

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Discovering Your Purpose in Life

A lot of people tend to just drift along in life getting by reasonably contentedly without really thinking too deeply about what life is all about. Others too don’t really have a focus in life but are more disenchanted about what life’s all about and don’t really know how to …

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Cultivating Tranquility, Harmony and Peace of Mind

There are many ways to achieve a state of inner peace, tranquillity and harmony within ourselves although the road to doing so can be long and arduous. Some people find it in religion, others in the likes of yoga and meditation and there is a whole raft of other outlets …

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Dieting and Losing Weight

There are that many diets around these days that all claim to be the best method of losing weight that the whole world of dieting has become confusing. Check out any reviews from people who have tried some of these well-known diets and there will be those who swear by …

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Improving Your General Health

Throughout the articles on this website you will have read about various tips and techniques to help you with various issues and difficulties and also how this all relates to your feeling of well-being and, intrinsically, your good health both physically and psychologically. This particular article is a basic round …

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Exercise for Increasing Happiness and Confidence

We are all very aware that physical exercise is good for our health. It helps to reduce the risks of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, joint and muscle problems, digestive ailments and has many other positive physical health benefits. However, what is less well considered is how beneficial exercise is for …

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Identifying What is Wrong With Your Current Situation

People who feel a sense of unhappiness about their lives from time to time often have a good idea why they are feeling that way and are able to take some action to eliminate or modify elements of their life in order to get rid of their general feelings of …

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Top 10 Instant Inspiration Techniques

Sometimes when we are in need of inspiration – whether it benefits a work project, addresses a puzzling issue or answers your question of what shall you cook for dinner? – we want that inspiration to strike instantly. Although sometimes we may get lucky, on the whole it requires that …

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Learning From Others

As a child it would be bizarre to think that we could survive for very long unless there were people to teach us things. From the moment we are born, we are taught by our parents and other family members, relatives and close friends initially and that continues through childhood …

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