Feeling Positive About Your Future

We are all the products of our past and present experiences. Everything that we have witnessed in our lives to date has helped to shape us as an individual which is why we are all different. However apart from knowing that we will die one day, our future remains a …

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Making Time for Yourself

Life is so hectic these days with so much to cram into every 24 hours that we often find that we’re exhausted at the end of each day fulfilling all of our personal and professional commitments and yet there’s still hardly enough time for sleep before we have to do …

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Money Management

We will all have said “I just can’t fathom out where all the money has gone” at some time or another, in response to perhaps a shopping trip or a night out when we seem to have spent far more than we envisaged. The problem with money management is that …

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Clear The Clutter

Many people who experience stress and emotional difficulties often find it difficult to move on and to break their patterns of behaviour because they’re simply not prepared to ‘de-clutter’ their lives and just as cramming things into a bin until it overflows, if you don’t remove the clutter, in the …

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