How to Combat Feelings of Frustration

Feeling frustrated from time to time is something that is common to all of us but it’s being able to effectively deal with these feelings that can often make the difference between success and failure and it’s an important concept to grasp if you are serious about your own self …

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Overcoming Shyness

We will all probably know both some introverts and extroverts in life yet we can gain a wrong impression about both types of people. For example some introverts can be extremely confident and able people whilst some extroverts aren’t as confident as they’d like to appear to be and often …

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How to Stop Procrastinating and Being Lazy

People procrastinate or put off doing things for many different reasons. Sometimes it’s just through plain laziness which can often be the result of them not feeling that there is anything to motivate them in life. Other people however, often put off doing things because of fear. However, by identifying …

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Conquering Fear

All of us experience fear at some time or another and if we didn’t we’d be oblivious to danger so it’s nothing that should cause us to feel weak. However, many people develop such an innate sense of fear that it begins to have a detrimental impact upon almost all …

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How to Overcome Boredom

When we say that we are bored what we mean is that we feel empty inside and that we’ve become fed up with the situation we find ourselves in at that given moment or at the lack of activity in our lives at any particular instant. Boredom can have its …

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Stopping Bad Habits

We all have habits of one extent or another. Some are good habits and others are bad. A habit is some kind of action which we perform in the same way for the same reason in a routine time after time. When a habit starts to hinder or harm you …

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Overcoming Your Fear of Rejection

Every one of us experiences rejection at some time in our lives. It may be by a person with whom you want to have a relationship with or it could be when you’re turned down for a job you really want. The truth is that the only people who never …

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Growing Older

Over recent years, improved healthcare and more educational awareness has meant that our population is ageing. More people are taking better care of themselves, which means they are able to enjoy a more active and fulfilled life well beyond retirement age. Maintaining and improving health depends a lot on the …

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Overcoming Addiction Recovery

When we tend to think of addiction we usually think about issues such as drink or drugs and, whilst they are probably the two most common forms of addictive behaviour in society today, an addict is basically anybody who turns to something which they feel gives them instant gratification or …

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Overcoming Depression and Regaining Social Belief

For those who have become clinically depressed it can be a horrendous experience. Your own sense of self-worth can be shattered. You can mistakenly perceive yourself to be weak and of low moral fibre and you can simply feel worthless. These are just a few of the emotions you might …

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