Overcoming Low Self Esteem and Confidence

Low self esteem and a lack of confidence can hold us back from achieving many things and can also be detrimental to both our physical and emotional well-being. It often begins in childhood where many of us are conditioned by the concept of reward for things we do well and …

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Stress Control and Management

We will all experience stress to a certain degree in our day-to-day lives. It could be as a result of a personal setback e.g. a relationship breakdown or a bereavement, a health issue, maybe losing a job or it may be due to other pressures at work. In fact, stress …

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Bring Out the Best of Yourself Through Coaching

Given the chance most people would like to better themselves in some way. Some people may harbour dreams of dramatically changing their life, whilst others would be happy with a few little tweaks here and there. Acknowledging that nothing changes unless you want it to, and are prepared to do …

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Overcoming Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a psychiatric condition which is characterised by an excessive obsession with either a real or imagined defect in your physical appearance. Sufferers will either have a completely distorted or exaggerated opinion about a perceived flaw in their appearance which can range from anything such as …

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Is Spiritual Coaching for You?

With the increase in holistic awareness and mind, body and spirit development spiritual coaching is becoming a popular form of creating positive improvements in the way we live our lives. Spiritual Coaching is a holistic method of seeking answers from within so that you can change and create a more …

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Overcoming Social Phobia and Social Anxiety

Feeling anxious in social situations is something everyone experiences from time to time. A racing heart, nervous muscle spasms and/or sweaty palms can affect adults and children alike. Extreme shyness, self-consciousness and a growing fear of embarrassment all restrict personal action and expression, and social phobia therefore can have a …

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Overcoming Empty Nest Syndrome

The psychological condition that affects parents, when their children leave the home environment to fend for themselves, is known as Empty Nest Syndrome. As the primary caregiver, in most cases, this emotional condition generally affects mothers more noticeably. In severe cases it can bring on depressive moods and thoughts although …

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