Improving Your Memory

You will probably have seen TV shows where people have been able to remember vast lists of numbers and recite them back accurately. This skill is one which has been developed and practised over many years and whilst the vast majority of us would have no real need to hone …

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Skills and Knowledge : Keep Learning

From the moment we are born to the moment we die we never stop learning. Whilst we may not always ‘learn’ in the context of a formal classroom setting, or even though we may not be aware that we are consciously learning new things, every experience we have will teach …

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Why is Happiness so Important?

Sometimes when we pick up a newspaper or see the news on television, it seems as though the world is filled with doom and gloom and, even in our own hectic lives, it would be foolish to think that we could feel happy every moment of our waking lives. But …

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Communicating Clearly And Confidently

The importance of good communication skills cannot be overstated. Communication is key to any relationship whether at work or in your personal life. Equipping yourself with strong communication skills is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself, and can vastly enrich social interaction. Working on improving …

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Using Spiritualism for Personal Growth

Personal development is the huge umbrella that covers such disciplines as Life Coaching, Personal Fitness Training, NLP and many other person-centred options. It also, however, expands into the realm of spiritualism. Your emotional wellness requires nurturing, both in a physical and a mental sense, and understanding there are many spiritual …

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What is Meant by ‘Spiritual Growth’?

One of the misconceptions about the term ‘spiritual growth’ is that it is something to do with taking up some kind of religious doctrine in the way in which you conduct your life and others confuse it with a person becoming ‘born again’ and following God’s path from that point …

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Relaxation Techniques

There are many different ways in which you can incorporate relaxation techniques into your personal development, which can help you reduce your anxiety and stress levels. It’s not simply about physical relaxation either as it’s equally important to relax your mind as well as your body if you want to …

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Using Hypnosis for Personal Development

When it comes to personal development and life coaching we all tend to be motivated to achieve our aims and goals in numerous different ways. For some of us, our actions are the result of us taking steps to move away from negative or destructive behaviour whilst for others, they …

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Adult Learning Classes

As somebody who’s interested in life coaching, you’ll be only too aware how education and learning can play an important role in self-development. In addition to personal self-growth, adult learning can also include more formal adult education classes. These can be academically orientated or vocational in nature and many offer …

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Alternative Methods of Empowerment

Empowerment can be as easy or as difficult as you want to make it. If you prefer to sit on the sidelines and expect things to happen to you it may be a while before you realise that personal empowerment is an individual’s responsibility. If however, you are willing to …

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