Adult Learning Classes

As somebody who’s interested in life coaching, you’ll be only too aware how education and learning can play an important role in self-development. In addition to personal self-growth, adult learning can also include more formal adult education classes.

These can be academically orientated or vocational in nature and many offer a combination of both. In fact, there are almost a million adult learning courses on offer in the UK. Therefore, no matter what inspires or interests you, there is bound to be a course that appeals to you.

Choosing a Course

Some people return to adult education in order to gain the skills and qualifications that they’ll need in order to pursue a particular career. Whilst there are others who simply have a passion to learn about something in particular or those who want to brush up their skills or learn new ones which will help them pursue a particular hobby.

Whatever your reason for considering adult learning, the learndirect careers advice helpline is often a good place to start. It can help you identify your goals, tell you about the types of courses that are available which you might be interested in and also give you information about things like financial help that you might be entitled to.

Fitting Adult Learning Into Your Life

Adult education has been revolutionised over recent years. Education providers are only too aware that adult learning often needs to be fitted in around other commitments such as work and family.

Therefore, these days you can attend adult learning classes to fit in with your other commitments – in the evenings and at weekends, for example. There are also many distance learning programmes you can enrol on which means you can actually do your learning and complete your assignments from the comfort of your own home by using the internet.

Finding An Adult Learning Provider

If you’d prefer to do your learning in a classroom, the website is a good resource to find out about further education colleges and learning centres that are in your area. It can also offer advice on distance programmes (e-learning courses).

Meeting New People

For many, the opportunity to meet new people with whom you have things in common often holds just as much appeal as the course itself. Even if you’re a little unsure that you’ll be out of your depth amongst far younger students, don’t be.

You’d be surprised just how many older adults these days are actively pursuing some kind of adult learning course. This trend even extends to both full and part-time courses at university where a significant proportion of students are adults classed as ‘mature students’.

Getting Funding & Other Assistance

You shouldn’t be put off adult learning because of financial pressures as there are numerous sources of financial help available. In addition to student loans, many adult learners are eligible for financial assistance through things like the Adult Learning Grant (ALG) and Career Development Loan (CDL) and there are also other grants, bursaries and financial support which you may be entitled to.

Those who need help with childcare or adults who have special needs or disabilities can also receive support and the website is a good place to find out more.

Many people have never looked back as the result of returning to education and enrolling on some kind of adult learning course. Be it for pleasure or as a work related/career strategy, adult education can open many doors and also has a positive effect on self-esteem and personal growth.

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