The Wisdom Within: Learning From Our Parents

From the moment we take our first breath, our parents become our first teachers in life. They guide us, nurture us, and provide us with invaluable lessons that shape our growth and development. As children, we are like sponges, absorbing knowledge and wisdom from our parents. However, the learning doesn’t …

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Stress Free Holidays

We’ve all “been there and done that” – come back from holiday and have been so stressed out by the experience that we feel the only option is to have another holiday. Yet with a certain amount of careful planning and a willingness to be flexible, your holiday should be …

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Tips and Advice on Saving For Things You Want

Saving is just like budgeting, it basically involves a little planning and a good degree of self-discipline. Many people fall down when it comes to saving, simply because they cannot wait to save the money for something they want to buy. This is unfortunately a trait common to people living …

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Consolidating Your Loans for Organisational Purposes

One thing is for certain when it comes to debt – it’s far easier to get into than it is to get out of. And the more credit agreements you have, the more likely you’re going to end up in financial difficulty at some stage. Warning Signs One of the …

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Tips & Advice on Tidying up Your Finances

Most of us are pretty good at keeping on top of the housework when it gets a bit messy but far fewer of us are that tidy and organised when it comes to keeping our finances in order. Without organisation managing money can become extremely difficult and it’s very easy …

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How to Budget

Many people find themselves getting into financial difficulties simply because they have never sat down and spent a little time drawing up a budget. And, whilst many of us will know exactly or roughly how much money we have coming in each month, far fewer will be able to put …

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Exercise for Increasing Happiness and Confidence

We are all very aware that physical exercise is good for our health. It helps to reduce the risks of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, joint and muscle problems, digestive ailments and has many other positive physical health benefits. However, what is less well considered is how beneficial exercise is for …

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Integrity and Honesty : Important Attributes

Having integrity and being honest are fundamental requirements if you want to grow spiritually and follow your true destination of personal development. It’s not simply about being honest with people. Whilst that will make you a better person and a more accepted one it’s more importantly about being honest with …

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Growing Older

Over recent years, improved healthcare and more educational awareness has meant that our population is ageing. More people are taking better care of themselves, which means they are able to enjoy a more active and fulfilled life well beyond retirement age. Maintaining and improving health depends a lot on the …

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Overcoming Addiction Recovery

When we tend to think of addiction we usually think about issues such as drink or drugs and, whilst they are probably the two most common forms of addictive behaviour in society today, an addict is basically anybody who turns to something which they feel gives them instant gratification or …

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