Sometimes when we are in need of inspiration – whether it benefits a work project, addresses a puzzling issue or answers your question of what shall you cook for dinner? – we want that inspiration to strike instantly. Although sometimes we may get lucky, on the whole it requires that we stop what we’re doing in order to give our brains a moment to pause and consider a viable solution.
Accepting that we can also use additional techniques, to help us feel inspired, will also allow us to relax whilst waiting for the kind of inspiration that propels us.
Feel Inspired by Inspirational Quotes
Reading inspirational quotes not only allows you to acknowledge there are many words of wisdom always available to us, but also enables you to pause whilst you reflect. Inspirational words can be accessed online or in books and magazines, and may be all it requires to get you rethinking in a positive way.
Use the Power of Affirmation
If you need to boost the confidence in your abilities don’t wait for other people to pat you on the back, use the power of positive affirmations instead. Repeating an empowering sentence over and over, either out loud or in your head, can create the spark that re-ignites your enthusiasm. Try something as clear and defined as ‘I create my own success’.
Give Yourself a Day off
When you hit a block take a break and step away from whatever it is you are working on. Give yourself some time out to do other things, so that you can come back to the task with a fresh perspective.
Enjoy the Great Outdoors
If you need some thinking space step outside and communicate with nature. Taking a walk, sitting in the garden or feeding the ducks at the local park will all allow your mind to relax and free itself of clutter and chatter. Allowing nature to recharge your batteries is an excellent way to feel refreshed and ready for the next challenge.
Visualise the Ideal Outcome
Close your eyes and take a moment to visualise what you want to achieve. Being clear in your mind will help you identify external clues and signs that you are making progress in the right direction. It may also help you spot ways of solving a problem or provide you with a moment of absolute clarity.
Pick Someone’s Brain
If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by a problem asking someone else for their advice will help you see things from another perspective. It will also enable you to come up with a solution to any problem the other person has identified.
Create Your Own Sanctuary
Having a space, or corner, where you can go and spend a quiet 10 minutes will help you still your mind so that you can focus on whatever it is you require inspiration for. Being able to sit quietly and to listen to your own intuition will benefit you greatly.
Move Your Body
Getting your blood pumping by exercising will also give you a buzz that will re-ignite inspiration. Running, cycling or swimming all help you clear your mind. This is because your body is comforted by the rhythmic repetition of the exercise. Not only will you feel energised as a result but you will also feel inspired.
Work Towards a Goal
Create a goal and then break it down into a series of mini goals. Allowing yourself the freedom to move from one goal to the next, when you hit upon a problem or block, gives you the space to welcome suggestion and inspiration to float into your mind of it’s own accord.
Place a Bet
Bet yourself, a reward of your choice, that you will come up with the required solution or inspiration. Having a reason to feel inspired will keep you on your toes and inspire you to brainstorm ideas and generate solutions.