Bring Out the Best of Yourself Through Coaching

Given the chance most people would like to better themselves in some way. Some people may harbour dreams of dramatically changing their life, whilst others would be happy with a few little tweaks here and there. Acknowledging that nothing changes unless you want it to, and are prepared to do …

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Finding the Right Life Coach for Your Needs

After much careful thought, consideration and acceptance you have identified that you need the assistance of a qualified Life Coaching expert, in order to create some positive changes in your life. But how do you find the right kind of help for you? Do you pick up the local telephone …

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Using Spiritualism for Personal Growth

Personal development is the huge umbrella that covers such disciplines as Life Coaching, Personal Fitness Training, NLP and many other person-centred options. It also, however, expands into the realm of spiritualism. Your emotional wellness requires nurturing, both in a physical and a mental sense, and understanding there are many spiritual …

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How to Create Your Own Success

If you want to lead the kind of life you dream about you will have to take charge of creating positive changes to the way you think and also do things. Opening yourself up to opportunities, by changing the way you usually handle tasks and the manner in which you …

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Do You Need a Life Coach?

Are you stuck in a rut, and bored by the fact your life is lacking in excitement? Maybe you are no longer interested in the work that you do, and find it difficult to motivate yourself to get up and out of bed in the morning? Perhaps you have an …

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Top 10 Instant Inspiration Techniques

Sometimes when we are in need of inspiration – whether it benefits a work project, addresses a puzzling issue or answers your question of what shall you cook for dinner? – we want that inspiration to strike instantly. Although sometimes we may get lucky, on the whole it requires that …

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Going Back Into Dating After Some Time

With divorce continually on the increase many men and women will have to experience single life once again. For some people it may give them a new lease of life and an opportunity to explore experiences you can’t really enjoy as much as part of a couple – solo adventure …

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Seeking Empowerment: A Case Study

Forty-two year old car mechanic Grant Ryan, from Milton Keynes, never really saw himself as a get-up-and-go sort of person. After leaving school he married his childhood sweetheart and went into the family business, and felt he was more or less set up for life. His father’s ill health meant …

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Alternative Methods of Empowerment

Empowerment can be as easy or as difficult as you want to make it. If you prefer to sit on the sidelines and expect things to happen to you it may be a while before you realise that personal empowerment is an individual’s responsibility. If however, you are willing to …

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Is Spiritual Coaching for You?

With the increase in holistic awareness and mind, body and spirit development spiritual coaching is becoming a popular form of creating positive improvements in the way we live our lives. Spiritual Coaching is a holistic method of seeking answers from within so that you can change and create a more …

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