What is Holistic Coaching?

Adopting a holistic approach to life means that your focus is directed to your mind, body and spirit as a whole. Treating the entire body, with holistic therapies, enables individuals to gain greater self-awareness and appreciation for renewed balance, health and vitality. Holistic Coaching provides the tools required to harmonise and create a more balanced, fulfilled life.

What does a Holistic Coach Do?

A holistic coach works with individuals who wish to achieve more flow and balance in their life. By exploring, and accepting, each individual’s unique attributes, experiences, creative thinking and personal requirements a holistic coach/therapist is able to guide, motivate and inspire positive life changes.

Unlike more traditional approaches to coaching, holistic coaching allows for deeper exploration and understanding of the inner interferences that create emotional blocks and hurdles. In order to overcome long-standing emotional issues healing is sometimes incorporated into the holistic coaching process.

What to Expect from Holistic Coaching

Holistic coaching offers a supportive, guiding process that helps individuals understand life from a different perspective. Clients are encouraged to explore synchronicity and to work towards personal transformation on many levels. As everyone is unique, as too is the issues that may be most relevant, the holistic approach to coaching offers a person-centred experience that encourages positive changes.

Many techniques and tools can be used within the holistic coaching process, and these may include Emotional Freedom Empowerment, Stress Management and relaxation/meditation exercises. Whilst holistic coaching is primarily designed to benefit the individual it can also be successfully used to bring positive change and influence to groups, teams and organisations.

Who Benefits from Holistic Coaching?

Adults who have enjoyed specific life experiences – this may include challenging personal issues, redundancy, divorce or separation and other emotional difficulties – will most benefit from the holistic approach to coaching and improving life. Understanding the importance, of the way in which the powerful combination of holistic healing and coaching can create positive changes, is a key factor in being aware of how this form of coaching can be most beneficial.

Working with a Holistic Coach

Whether working face-to-face, online or via telephone each holistic coaching session is a confidential, supportive experience that helps clients identify issues and problems and guides them to find resolution. A holistic coach/therapist is trained to be able to provide support with professional development, personal life issues, social, educational and/or emotional problems and other concerns that require improvement and clarity.

Most clients will require between 4 to 6 one-to-one sessions and may also benefit from additional support at other times, as issues are identified and explored. Commitment to the holistic coaching process is therefore important.

What Holistic Coaching is Not

Holistic coaching is not therapy. Whilst the holistic coaching process can help individuals manage weight, improve emotional wellbeing, help with rehabilitation and generally inspire positive thought and direction, this form of coaching does not focus on working through long-standing issues and problems. By focusing on the entire individual, however, work/life balance can be addressed and restrictive behaviour patterns and habits can be rectified and improved. Fresh and inspired motivation for life will also be created, and a healthier attitude to living will become the result individuals aim for.

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