Expert Advice To Improve Your Life

Being able to enjoy what we do at work and at play, whilst keeping everyday stress and pressure at bay, is important if you want to achieve balance and success in your life. Here are some creative tips, enterprising ideas and interesting suggestions that will help motivate you into creating a more harmonious lifestyle.

Feeling Positive About Your Future

We are all the products of our past and present experiences. Everything that we have witnessed in our lives to date has helped to shape us as an individual which is why we are all different. However apart from knowing that we will die one day, our future remains a …

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Dieting and Losing Weight

There are that many diets around these days that all claim to be the best method of losing weight that the whole world of dieting has become confusing. Check out any reviews from people who have tried some of these well-known diets and there will be those who swear by …

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Improving Your General Health

Throughout the articles on this website you will have read about various tips and techniques to help you with various issues and difficulties and also how this all relates to your feeling of well-being and, intrinsically, your good health both physically and psychologically. This particular article is a basic round …

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Exercise for Increasing Happiness and Confidence

We are all very aware that physical exercise is good for our health. It helps to reduce the risks of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, joint and muscle problems, digestive ailments and has many other positive physical health benefits. However, what is less well considered is how beneficial exercise is for …

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Growing Older

Over recent years, improved healthcare and more educational awareness has meant that our population is ageing. More people are taking better care of themselves, which means they are able to enjoy a more active and fulfilled life well beyond retirement age. Maintaining and improving health depends a lot on the …

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Overcoming Addiction Recovery

When we tend to think of addiction we usually think about issues such as drink or drugs and, whilst they are probably the two most common forms of addictive behaviour in society today, an addict is basically anybody who turns to something which they feel gives them instant gratification or …

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How to Combat Feelings of Frustration

Feeling frustrated from time to time is something that is common to all of us but it’s being able to effectively deal with these feelings that can often make the difference between success and failure and it’s an important concept to grasp if you are serious about your own self …

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Overcoming Depression and Regaining Social Belief

For those who have become clinically depressed it can be a horrendous experience. Your own sense of self-worth can be shattered. You can mistakenly perceive yourself to be weak and of low moral fibre and you can simply feel worthless. These are just a few of the emotions you might …

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Overcoming Low Self Esteem and Confidence

Low self esteem and a lack of confidence can hold us back from achieving many things and can also be detrimental to both our physical and emotional well-being. It often begins in childhood where many of us are conditioned by the concept of reward for things we do well and …

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Dealing With Redundancy

It wasn’t so long ago that being made redundant was a cause for major trauma. Apart from losing a regular income people often felt a real loss of identity and felt that there was a stigma attached to the whole issue of redundancy. Although redundancy can still cause people a …

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