The Coaching Needs of Women

The coaching needs of women are very different to the specific requirements of men. Many coaching professionals and therapists understand that the experiences women share unites them in requiring coaching support that helps, inspires and motivates the individual to create a more balanced life.

Working with Life Stages

To gain the most benefit and support from a professional coach a woman needs to acknowledge the various life stages she has experienced, and the way in which these negative or positive experiences have impacted on her life to date. These life stages include childbearing, motherhood, homemaking and menopause. Being able to express and explore the emotional changes that have been experienced, through the life stages, is beneficial and enables the coaching process to flow more freely.

Finding Balance

Women have a multi-functioning role in society and can switch from motherhood and homemaker to career woman or business owner without too much difficulty. Being able to multi-task however, creates problems in finding balance, particularly when considering personal choices and decisions.

Coaching that is specifically aimed at women will be able to support individuals, struggling with life balance issues, by providing clear focus and a positive strategy that helps create change.

Adapting for Personality and Needs

Enhancing the quality of life requires a clear understanding of personal goals, needs and desires. Women are generally more emotionally focused and this means that developing stronger relationships with others will be higher on the list of coaching priorities than it may be for a man. Being able to create better work prospects and improving earning power is another issue that is variable between the sexes. Female coaching therefore appreciates a women’s perspective as well as her needs, and provides suitable support that encourages and develops important strategies for empowerment in all required areas.

Training as a Women’s Life Coach

The accredited training required, for a professional life coach wishing to work specifically with women, is the same as most forms of other coaching. Additional exploration of female issues can be done on many levels depending on the area of expertise a coach is hoping to develop. Working with career-focused women requires a different level of understanding and support, compared to the needs of those women who are more drawn towards developing feminine power outside of the work environment.

As a professional life coach being able to specialise allows you to provide focused strategies and programmes to female clients who specifically seek your skills, support and understanding.

International Coaching for Women

Many religious beliefs create specific potential life experiences for women. When coaching women from different cultural backgrounds, therefore, it is important to understand the restrictions and boundaries that may limit the development of some potential choices. For women from different cultural backgrounds seeking the support of a female who understands your beliefs and customs is important, and can help build rapport and trust in the coaching process.

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