Do You Need a Life Coach?

Are you stuck in a rut, and bored by the fact your life is lacking in excitement? Maybe you are no longer interested in the work that you do, and find it difficult to motivate yourself to get up and out of bed in the morning? Perhaps you have an …

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Parent Coaching

“Parenting is the most important job in life yet there seems to be no training for it” – That has to be one of the most quoted comments on the subject of becoming a parent and it’s true. As parents we are all different as are our children and there …

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What is Emotional Intelligence?

An individual’s ability to perceive, evaluate and control their emotions is often referred to as Emotional Intelligence or EI. Although a learned response, this ability to monitor feelings and emotions can be strengthened and enhanced. Emotional Intelligence is therefore an understanding of how to use emotion to get along with …

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Past Life Regression: Does Your Past Hold You Back?

Many of us experience déjà vu or memory recall but are unable to figure out where that knowledge or experience comes from. Many individuals also experience emotional difficulties that appear to block progress and create an avalanche of issues to resolve. These challenging episodes can almost always be traced back …

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Future Life Progression: How You Can See Into Your Future

There are many forms of tapping into the potential of the future. Meditation, for instance, enables you to relax your mind, and body, so that you are able to expand consciousness and explore thoughts and possibilities. Future Life Progression, however, allows you to glimpse beyond the realm of your own …

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What is Holistic Coaching?

Adopting a holistic approach to life means that your focus is directed to your mind, body and spirit as a whole. Treating the entire body, with holistic therapies, enables individuals to gain greater self-awareness and appreciation for renewed balance, health and vitality. Holistic Coaching provides the tools required to harmonise …

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The Coaching Needs of Women

The coaching needs of women are very different to the specific requirements of men. Many coaching professionals and therapists understand that the experiences women share unites them in requiring coaching support that helps, inspires and motivates the individual to create a more balanced life. Working with Life Stages To gain …

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