Anger Management Therapy

Most people get irritated or even angry from time to time. It is, after all, a natural emotion to experience now and then. The problem, however, is when anger spills over into something that threatens to result in complete loss of self control which can have devastating implications on both your own life and others around you. Anger management therapy can help people in these situations and can be undertaken solo or as part of a group.

Identifying If You Have A Problem

There is no strict measuring device for determining whether or not your anger is under control but there are certain signs that you do have a problem which might need addressing.

If you’re prone to commit violent acts when you’re angry, this is probably one of the clearest indications that you do have a problem which you need to deal with differently and very quickly.

Being verbally abusive to others close to you, such as your spouse, partner, children or friends and losing your temper with them easily is another strong indicator. Another aspect of anger which can cause problems is when it’s directed at authority figures in a work situation, for example.

Understanding Anger And Dealing With It

The first thing to understand about anger is that it is a perfectly natural response in all human beings when they feel under threat. However, it’s all about how you express it and this is what anger management therapy helps you to achieve in the right way. Aggressive behaviour can be replaced by assertiveness training in anger management therapy.

Here, you’re taught how to express your needs in a firm, fair but socially acceptable manner in order to let those with whom you come into contact with recognise what those needs are and how you can try to get them met without the other person(s) being hurt or upset.

How To Regain Self-Control

Anger management therapy looks at your individual response to any given situation which is likely to threaten you or cause you to become stressed or upset. It will teach you how to recognise the trigger points that are often the cause of your anger and will train you to look at new ways of responding to those trigger points as you recognise them arising.

Relaxation techniques are often useful in this regard. Breathing deeply and repeating a calming phrase silently or creating a positive relaxing visual image to dissipate your feelings of anger can help to get you over the ‘crisis moment.’ From this angry feelings will be replaced with a deeper sense of calmness and self control.

Cognitive restructuring is another tool in anger management therapy. It can help you identify what, up until now, you’ve felt were rational thoughts and show you how irrational they are in terms of the actual scope and impact which they have on your life.

Problems in your life can often seem insurmountable and they can often be a major cause of anger. Anger management therapy will show you how to handle problems in your life more effectively.

Improving your listening and communication skills can also be at the core of anger management therapy. You’ll be taught how to communicate more effectively and learn about the value of accepting compromise occasionally.

Here, it’s not always the case that there have to be winners or losers or that a person is always right and the other is wrong. It’s through understanding how to communicate better that you’ll be able to avoid conflicts and resist the urge to retaliate.

Other Considerations

Anger management therapy can also focus on when it’s right to avoid certain environments and situations that make you feel angry and where you can make better use of timing in terms of dealing with stressful situations when you’re tired as opposed to finding a more suitable time to deal with them. It might also need to address issues such as alcohol or substance misuse.

It is hoped that through enrolling on an anger management therapy course, it will not only restore your ability to maintain your self-control but in doing so, you will become much more empowered and happy as a direct consequence.

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